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Onset of spontaneous beating and whirling in the follower force model of an active filament
O. Schnitzer, Submitted
Giant superhydrophobic slip of shear-thinning liquids
O. Schnitzer and P. K. Ray, Physical Review Fluids (Letter), 9 L112201, 2024
Equatorial blowup and polar caps in drop electrohydrodynamics
G. G. Peng, R. Brandão, E. Yariv and O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids, 9 083701, 2024
(Editors' suggestion)
Spontaneous locomotion of a symmetric squirmer
R. Cobos, A. S. Khair and O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 983 R3, 2024
(JFM Rapids: The Editors' Insights 2024)
(Corrigendum; see also corrected preprint.)
Shape of sessile drops in the large-Bond-number 'pancake' limit
E. Yariv and O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 961 A13, 2023
Weakly nonlinear dynamics of a chemically active particle near the threshold for spontaneous motion. II. History-dependent motion
G. G. Peng and O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids, 8 033602, 2023
Weakly nonlinear dynamics of a chemically active particle near the threshold for spontaneous motion.
I. Adjoint method
O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids, 8 034201, 2023
Shape of a tethered filament in various low-Reynolds-number flows
C. Kurtzhaler, R. Brandão, O. Schnitzer and H. Stone, Physical Review Fluids, 8 014101, 2023
Absorption characteristics of large acoustic metasurfaces
O. Schnitzer and R. Brandão, Philosophical Transactions A, 380 2231, 2022
Acoustics of a partially partitioned narrow slit connected to a half-plane: case study for exponential quasi-bound states in the continuum and their resonant excitation
O. Schnitzer and R. Porter, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82 4 1387-1410, 2022
Plasmonic resonances of slender nanometallic rings
M. Ruiz and ​O. Schnitzer, Physical Review B, 105 125412, 2022
Leidenfrost levitation of a spherical particle above a liquid bath:
evolution of the vapour-film morphology with particle size
R. Brandão and ​O. Schnitzer, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 33 6 1117-1169, 2022
(2024 John Ockendon Prize)
Isotropically active colloids under uniform force fields: from forced to spontaneous motion
S. Saikat, E. Yariv and ​O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 916 A47, 2021
Boundary-layer effects on electromagnetic and acoustic extraordinary transmission through narrow slits
R. Brandão, J. R. Holley and ​O. Schnitzer, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 476 20200444, 2020
Rolling of non-wetting droplets down a gently inclined plane
O. Schnitzer, A. M. J. Davis and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903 A25, 2020
Spontaneous dynamics of two-dimensional Leidenfrost wheels
R. Brandão and ​O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids (Rapid communication), 5 091601(R), 2020
(Editors' suggestion, Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics)
Asymptotic modeling of Helmholtz resonators including thermoviscous effects
R. Brandão and ​O. Schnitzer, Wave Motion, 97 102583, 2020
Acoustic impedance of a cylindrical orifice
R. Brandão and ​O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 892 A7, 2020
Asymptotic approximations for the plasmon resonances of nearly touching spheres
​O. Schnitzer, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 31 (2) 246-276, 2020
Slender-body theory for plasmonic resonance
M. Ruiz and ​O. Schnitzer, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 475 20190294, 2019
Speed of rolling droplets
E. Yariv and ​O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids, 4 093602, 2019
Geometric quantization of localized surface plasmons
​O. Schnitzer, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 84(4) 813-832, 2019
Extraordinary transmission through a narrow slit
​J. R. Holley and O. Schnitzer, Wave Motion, 91 102381, 2019
Acoustics of bubbles trapped in micro-grooves: from isolated subwavelength resonators to superhydrophobic metasurfaces
O. Schnitzer, R. Brandão and E. Yariv, Physical Review B, 99 195155, 2019
Stokes resistance of a solid cylinder near a superhydrophobic surface. Part 1. Grooves perpendicular to cylinder axis
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 868 212-243, 2019
Asymptotic modeling of phononic box crystals
A. Vanel, R. V. Craster and O. Schnitzer, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79 2 506-524, 2019
Small-solid-fraction approximations for the slip-length tensor of micropillared superhydrophobic surfaces
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 843 637-652, 2018
Resistive-force theory for mesh-like superhydrophobic surfaces
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review Fluids, 3 032201(R), 2018
Pressure-driven plug flows between superhydrophobic surfaces
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 111 15-22, 2018
Asymptotic network models of subwavelength metamaterials formed by closely packed photonic and phononic crystals
​A. L. Vanel, O. Schnitzer and R. V. Craster, Europhysics Letters, 119 64002, 2017
Bloch waves in an arbitrary two-dimensional lattice of subwavelength Dirichlet scatterers
O. Schnitzer and R. V. Craster, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 776 2119-2135, 2017
Waves in slowly varying band-gap media
O. Schnitzer, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 77 4 1516-1535, 2017​​​
Longitudinal pressure-driven flows between superhydrophobic grooved surfaces: Large effective slip in the narrow-channel limit
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review Fluids, 2 7 072101, 2017​​​​
Slip length for longitudinal shear flow over an arbitrary-protrusion-angle bubble mattress: the small-solid-fraction singularity
​O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 820 580-603, 2017​​​
Radiation from structured-ring resonators
​B. Maling, O. Schnitzer and R. V. Craster, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 77 3 1047-1067, 2017​​​
Spoof surface plasmons guided by narrow grooves
O. Schnitzer, Physical Review B, 96 085424, 2017
Singular effective slip length for longitudinal flow over a dense bubble mattress
O. Schnitzer, Physical Review Fluids, 1 5 052101, 2016​​
Surface plasmon resonances of arbitrarily shaped nanometallic structures in the small-screening-length limit
​O. Schnitzer, V. Giannini, S. A. Maier and R. V. Craster, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 472 2191 20160258, 2016​
Asymptotics of surface-plasmon redshift saturation at subnanometric separations
​O. Schnitzer, V. Giannini, R. V. Craster and S. A. Maier, Physical Review B, 93 4 041409, 2016​​
Streaming-potential phenomena in the thin-Debye-layer limit. Part 3. Shear-induced electroviscous repulsion
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 786 84-109, 2016​​
Singular perturbations approach to localized surface-plasmon resonance: Nearly touching metal nanospheres
​O. Schnitzer, Physical Review B, 92 23 235428, 2015​
A generalized Derjaguin approximation for electrical-double-layer interactions at arbitrary separations
​O. Schnitzer and M. Morozov, Journal of Chemical Physics, 142 24 244102, 2015​
The Taylor--Melcher leaky dielectric model as a macroscale electrokinetic description
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 773 1-33, 2015​
(See also “Focus on Fluids” article.)
Slender-body approximations for advection–diffusion problems
​O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 768 R5, 2015​​​​​​
Osmotic self-propulsion of slender particles
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physics of Fluids, 27 3 031701, 2015​​​​​​
Ray-theory approach to electrical-double-layer interactions
O. Schnitzer, Physical Review E, 91 2 022307, 2015​​
Nonlinear electrophoresis at arbitrary field strengths: small-Dukhin-number analysis
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physics of Fluids, 26 12 122002, 2014​
Ratcheting of Brownian swimmers in periodically corrugated channels: A reduced Fokker-Planck approach
E. Yariv and O. Schnitzer, Physical Review E, 90 3 032115, 2014​​​​
Electrophoresis of bubbles
O. Schnitzer, I. Frankel and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 753 49-79, 2014​​​​​
Fast penetration of megagauss fields into metallic conductors
​O. Schnitzer, Physics of Plasmas, 21 8 082306, 2014​​​​​
Strong electro-osmotic flows about dielectric surfaces of zero surface charge
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 89 4 043005, 2014​​​​​
Nonlinear oscillations in an electrolyte solution under ac voltage
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 89 3 032302, 2013​​​​​
Deformation of leaky-dielectric fluid globules under strong electric fields: boundary layers and jets at large Reynolds numbers
​O. Schnitzer, I. Frankel and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 734 R3, 2013​
Asymptotic analysis of double-carrier, space-charge-limited transport in organic light-emitting diodes
​S. E. Feicht, O. Schnitzer and A. S. Khair, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 469 20130263, 2013
Electrokinetic flows about conducting drops
O. Schnitzer, I. Frankel and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722 394-423, 2013​​​​
Electric conductance of highly selective nanochannels
​O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 87 5 054301, 2013​​​​
Weakly nonlinear electrophoresis of a highly charged colloidal particle
​O. Schnitzer, R. Zeyde, I. Yavneh and E. Yariv, Physics of Fluids, 25 5 052004, 2013​​​
Nonlinear electrokinetic flow about a polarized conducting drop
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 87 4 041002, 2013​​ (Erratum)
Comment on “On the flow field about an electrophoretic particle” [Phys. Fluids24, 102001 (2012)]
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physics of Fluids, 25 4 049102, 2013​
The electrophoretic mobility of rod-like particles
E. Yariv and O. Schnitzer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 719 R3, 2013
Electrokinetic particle-electrode interactions at high frequencies
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 87 1 012310, 2013
Induced-charge electro-osmosis beyond weak fields
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 86 6 061506, 2012​​
Macroscale description of electrokinetic flows at large zeta potentials: Nonlinear surface conduction
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physical Review E, 86 2 021503, 2012​
Streaming-potential phenomena in the thin-Debye-layer limit. Part 2. Moderate Péclet numbers
O. Schnitzer, I. Frankel and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704 109-136, 2012
Dielectric-solid polarisation at strong fields: Breakdown of Smoluchowski's electrophoresis formula
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Physics of Fluids, 24 082005, 2012
Strong-field electrophoresis
O. Schnitzer and E. Yariv, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701 333-351, 2012
Shear-induced electrokinetic lift at large Péclet numbers
O. Schnitzer, I. Frankel and E. Yariv, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 7 4 64-81, 2012
Irreversible electrokinetic repulsion at zero-Reynolds-number sedimentation
O. Schnitzer, A. Khair and E. Yariv, Physical Review Letters, 107 278301, 2011
Streaming-potential phenomena in the thin-Debye-layer limit. Part 1. General theory
E. Yariv, O. Schnitzer and I. Frankel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 365 306-334, 2011
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